Saturday, March 13, 2010

Are We Having Sex Now?

Alas, dear readers, I have finally found it. This is an old (as in almost twenty years old) article that was what made me want to write this post. I knew I had seen it on the web somewhere, but couldn't find it for the life of me when I wrote the post. Here it is. She doesn't cover any widely different territory than what I wrote about, but she paints a vivid picture about the confusion of it, and offers her own opinions, which I found fascinating. Hope you like it.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Indiana University Read My Blog

Or, you know, had already been thinking about this. Either way, they recently did a study in which they asked a whole bunch of folks "Would you say you 'had sex' with someone if the most intimate behavior you engaged in was ...," then gave fourteen different options. Some of the most interesting findings? Somehow only 95% of the participants consider penis-in-vagina intercourse to be sex. And, in a nod to my bit about coital imperative, that number drops to 89% if the man doesn't ejaculate. And men in the oldest test group, aged 65 and above, that number drops to 77%! These guys must have really stepped up their game when PIV is just foreplay. Man, getting old is going to be awesome.