Thursday, October 29, 2009

Hot Christian Sex!

Another article is already in the works, so I assure you it won't be as long of a wait as it was last time. But it may be another couple days. In the meantime, I thought I'd show you guys my favorite minister. Admittedly, there aren't many in the running.

Nothing funny to say here. Just a little fan service.

Image via

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

On Chemical Castration

I'm here today to talk about something we all love: male genitalia.

What, this isn't your memory of what it looks like?

Specifically, I'm here to talk about chemical castration.

Don't be scared, buddy. Unless you're a pederast. Then, yeah, okay. Be scared. Also, the "buddy" comment is withdrawn.

A few weeks ago, Poland passed legislation necessitating chemical castration for pedophiles. I was not aghast, but I was certainly surprised. Pedophiles are the scum of the Earth, sure, but this might be going a little far. That night, I went to a party and, lovely dinner guest that I am, I brought this up with some folks there. A lady there said she was fairly sure that the US already practiced this in some cases. I assured her, presumptuous dinner guest that I am, there would have been more press about it, and certainly some sort of outrage. She, being slightly more polite than I, did not argue the point, and conversation moved on. However, when I came home, I looked into it. As it turns out, Polite Lady From The Party was, in fact, correct. California has the strictest policy, in which a pedophile whose victim was under 13 can get chemically castrated after one offense, and it is mandatory after a second offense. There are at least eight other states with a history of chemical castration as a punitive legal measure.

I was absolutely shocked. Not that we did in the US at all, necessarily, but that I didn't know about it. Being one as interested in the legal system and sex as I am, I figured if I didn't know, the average joe probably doesn't know, either. I know there are plenty of laws in our country that I wish were made public knowledge, but this is the sort of thing I think even apolitical people might have opinions about.

Now, before I go any further, let me talk a bit about definitions, here. Chemical castration is not castration. A man does not lose his equipment. The procedure is not even permanent. In fact, one must get another injection every three months. What they do, at least in the US, is use a birth control drug commonly called Depo-Provera. Its original (and still the more common) use is as a prophylactic for women, also administered every three months. In men, however, it lowers libido to the point where (it is my understanding) they do not get erections. This is certainly quite different from cutting off the penis, or as is sometimes done, the testes. Firstly, it negates the argument of "What if he was wrongly accused?" Certainly three months with no libido is a thing to dread, but obviously there is a difference.

Even with all this said, the concept still gives me pause. My immediate reaction is, do we have the right to take away a man's libido and ability to have sex with someone consensually? This is something that may fall under a curtailing of civil rights. I realize it doesn't say "the right to pop a boner" in the Constitution*, but the issue begs discussion.

On the other hand, I once talked about pedophilia with my dad, who was at one point a parole officer for sex offenders, and he told me his thoughts on recidivism with pedophiles. He made the very reasonable point that he didn't understand how people thought rehabilitation would help them. One can't go to rehabilitation to get over their sexual attraction to, say, blondes. It may be an unhealthy and sick desire, but it's a sexual desire all the same, and those don't usually go away just by wanting them to. Having something that would physically keep the person from committing the same crime, but that allows them to live a somewhat normal life, makes a lot of sense. There's not a lot of information on how the use of Depo-Provera affects recidivism, which is unfortunate. In at least one very recent case, there's a man who is requesting actual castration. Admittedly, he made this plea ten days before his trial, and it could well have been a ploy in hopes to endear himself somewhat to the judge or jury. But all the same, it makes one think: undoubtedly there are people who feel a strong attraction to children and feel bad about it, but don't have any measure of recourse. For some, the ability to take away their sex drive may be seen as liberation.

I think what the issue comes down to for me is whether or not it's actually effective. If it isn't, then it's just unnecessary, and won't gain us anything, other than money spent giving these guys more drugs. If they actually prevent rape in the long-term, then I think I'm for it. It may be a curtailing of rights, but I think you forfeit some rights when you start fucking little kids.

What do you think? Is it ever okay? Just in special circumstances? Should we do it with every rapist? I've given my thoughts, but it's not something I've heard a lot of other opinions on, so please tell me what you think.

*If only. If only.

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Monday, October 19, 2009

The Effects of Birth Control

I know I haven't updated in a long while. I'm back in school, and it's taking its toll on my free time. Between classwork during the week, and partying like a rockstar Thursday-Sunday, there's only so much time left. I should have one up by the end of the week. In the meantime, read this article. Seriously. It blew my mind.

Monday, October 12, 2009

The Shake Weight

Well folks, I decided to go with the classy post today, and show you the commercial for the new product, the Shake Weight. I really hope you all like it as much as I did.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Al Franken is Superman

For those who hadn't heard, Al Franken may be superman. He had legislation passed yesterday to keep the US Government from making contracts with companies that support the rape of its employees. This is in direct response to KBR (at the time a subsidiary of Halliburton) invoking a fine-print clause in a contract to keeping a woman who was drugged and gang-raped from seeking legal recourse against KBR, Halliburton, or the men responsible. When she attempted to talk to anyone about it, she was locked in a shipping container with an armed guard watching it. How this was allowed in any way is completely beyond me, but at least we have someone in our government working against this sort of thing. You can read a bit more about it (and watch the video of his speech) here.

Hopefully this isn't just a fanciful image, but an artist's recreation of what happened on the senate floor yesterday.

Image via

Monday, October 5, 2009

On Dirty Talk

Dirty talk is interesting to me. I've talked to a lot of people about their thoughts, and gotten mixed reviews. Some people say, "It's weird", or "It's silly". And yet, someone must enjoy it, because the girls in porn seem to do it non-stop. Even if the scene is about a cute little babysitter, as soon as the clothes come off, she's saying words I won't even say in public. Alright, well, I probably will. And do. But still, it gets pretty filthy. Now for me, this type of dirty talk isn't an outright turn-off, but I don't fully understand the point of it. When a girl says to me "Fuck my little pussy with your hard cock!", the first thing that comes into my mind isn't elation while I think "Damn that's hot!", it's confusion while I think "But...isn't that what I'm already doing?"

This girl, on the other hand - I'm sure she's got something hot to say. Or maybe she's just wiping off some of her creepy lipstick on his ear. Either way, it's a win-win.

This isn't to say I don't like it when the girl talks - far from it. But for me, it's down more utilitarian lines: what feels good, etc. Likewise, I'm perfectly ready to tell a partner she looks (or feels, or smells) great if it occurs to me to say and it's true, but am less likely to say...hmm. Maybe that's part of the problem. What does one even say? I think if I were really to try and jump into it, I wouldn't fare much better than our good friend Seinfeld. All of my examples of male dirty talk come from porn, and they all tend to have a certain flavor to them that I don't really like. Neither does Ms. Naughty, as it turns out, and she talks about it here. She talks about why she hates words like "slut", "whore", and "bitch" in porn. The answer is, quite simply, the terms are offensive. The twist is that some girls enjoy this type of talk, and don't think that the words are degrading to use at all. Another case of taking the term back, I suspect. But, Ms. Naughty argues, the terms still have plenty of their original meaning left over, and to use them freely in porn is mainly degrading, and doesn't really help arouse her. This is something I agree with. I necessarily feel fondly towards the women with whom I'm romantically involved, and don't wish to call them names like this.

This entire topic, of course, precludes roleplaying. It goes without saying that there will be a difference in dialogue when you're playing a character. This goes doubly for the usage of these terms. Things that would otherwise seem inappropriate are completely fair game when roleplaying. This is, no doubt, part of the appeal for a lot of people.

After having asked a handful of people about this subject, one thing I've run into a few times is the interest in hearing the dirty talk, but not really wanting to participate. This is interesting to me. In this case, it's clearly not that they're against the concept of dirty talk. Instead, it could be a range of issues. One I've heard was simply "It feels awkward, unnatural." Sure, that seems fair. But I think in a lot of cases, it's people just not knowing what to say, or feeling embarrassed about what the other person might think. The thing is, though, a pretty high percentage of people, both male and female, that I've talked to said they like it when their partner does it. I know it's easy to be worried about saying the wrong thing and making a hot moment tepid. This is one more place where I would, shockingly, encourage lots of communication with your partner. Try out some new words and phrases in bed. After the afterglow, see what they think! Hopefully your partner isn't judgmental anyway, but when one's really turned on, one hardly sweats the petty things.

I think I sort of fit into this category. It's not that I'm opposed to the idea of saying (or hearing) hot things in the bedroom, I just have very little idea of what this might be. Admittedly, I probably say more in the moment than I really remember afterwards, but I know I'm not a master of the dirty talk. What I do know, though, is sometimes the right words can make a world of difference. I remember sleeping with a girl, and weeks afterwards remembering very few details of the sex itself, but still getting goosebumps when I remembered what she said during it. So guys, ladies: step outside your comfort zones. Try that shit out. You might enjoy it. If you need ideas, feel free to check out a previous post of mine. Just try not to talk like the people in porn. It's just kinda weird.

Seriously. Guaranteed this girl is about to say some stupid shit.

Images via and

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Alright kids. It's a new month, and I've got a couple questions for you.

You've seen a couple interviews now, so you sort of get how they're formatted. Are there other questions you'd like to hear me ask people? Are there certain topics that I've not covered that you're interested in? This goes for the blog in general, too: What are some sexy topics that you want to read about?

I have a second question. Since day one I've been struggling with the decision to put naked people in the blog. Not as its own feature, but, if my fancy strikes me, posting NSFW (Not Safe For Work) pictures and links. What do you guys think? I certainly talk about NSFW stuff, but never post any explicit pictures, or even link to much that's explicit. How do you feel about me adding this in? Do you read this at work, and wouldn't continue to if you couldn't? Have you been desperately waiting for me to ask you this so you could say "yes, please, more nudity and sex!"? These are the things I want to know.

Just think of me as this guy. Rugged, handsome, and patiently awaiting your replies.

Friday, October 2, 2009

The Vice Guide to Sex

VBS.TV is an amazing site. It's full of talented and creative people making documentaries just for this site. Needless to say, my favorite section is the sex section. They have some truly amazing documentaries on here. The asses of the Caribbean may be my favorite, but I would seriously recommend checking out all of these. Enjoy.